
the | person | behind | the | dream |chaser

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a daughter who loves her parents and family so much. a friend who treasures friendship more than her relationship with a guy. a student who has always tried her best and gave it all out in whatever she is doing. a loner who is still searching for her eternal love that she believes can bring her together to jannah. last but not least...a humble servant who heart belongs to Allah swt. and my name is Farhana Latiff.

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September 11, 2011

C'est la vie de ann, bonjour!

Nor Farhana binti Mohd Latiff
19 years old
Currently pursuing studies in Degree in International Business at UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka 
Daydreamer, Not that talkative, Playful, Lazy 

I have been born on 17th October 1992 at Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. I got 5 siblings with 3 little sisters, Syahirah, Syuhada and Suhailah and 1 little brother, Farhan who are sheepishly annoyed me yet make me happy day by day. Being the eldest one has taught me a lot of valuable lessons where most of my friends would not understand as they are mostly not the first child in their family. But there is no regrets in my life for being the eldest one in the family. My parents are my idols, where Ayah is like my Superman and Mak is like my Wonder Woman. I adored both of them and i wished to be a good child to them in this life and also thereafter. My BFF are also one of the source of my strength to face the challenges that have came in past and may come in the future. To Umi, Hajar, Fida, Saby, Fatin...i just wanna say thanks for every tears, laughters, smiles and fights that we have shared together through the past years till today. Thanks for being there when i need you guys the most, i prayed the best for you guys!

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