
the | person | behind | the | dream |chaser

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a daughter who loves her parents and family so much. a friend who treasures friendship more than her relationship with a guy. a student who has always tried her best and gave it all out in whatever she is doing. a loner who is still searching for her eternal love that she believes can bring her together to jannah. last but not least...a humble servant who heart belongs to Allah swt. and my name is Farhana Latiff.

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February 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Fluffy

Assalamualaikum wbt.

guys, i got nothing much to said.
i just loved this fluffy thinggy. 
this is so cute.
screamed, yelled like a mad person, that's me.

truly damn cute ahhhhh!


  1. comel kan? cute monster. kalau semua monster camni confirm budak2 x nightmare bila tidur malam, teehee~

  2. singgah sini. blog ni sangat unic..layout selari dan ukuran nampak kemas..HEHE :) farhana latiff ? err awak ni bukan adik-beradik najwa latiff kan ? hehe :3

  3. hakikatnya suara farhana latiff x lah sesedap najwa latiff, kalau dia dah start menyanyi habis semua kaca baik tingkap gelas jug air pecah berderai, bhahahhaha =D

  4. Anne!!! apa ni? memang comel kot... kt mesir tkde... huhu... nak satu! boleh?? huhu...

  5. guna material bulu2 yang lekat bagi kain nampak kembang2 tu kot, ntah xtau apa nama dia. comel kan? tapi nak hantar kat mesir mahal wohh ogkosnya, tunggu nad balik lah, hee~

  6. follow me back k?


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