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a daughter who loves her parents and family so much. a friend who treasures friendship more than her relationship with a guy. a student who has always tried her best and gave it all out in whatever she is doing. a loner who is still searching for her eternal love that she believes can bring her together to jannah. last but not least...a humble servant who heart belongs to Allah swt. and my name is Farhana Latiff.

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March 29, 2012


from left : tom, ili, sarah
first picture of today, may the whole day become as bright as their smiles!

i skipped Mandarin class today. and again. i think this is my second time. ohh crap! i hate it! i never want to skip it. eventhough i didn't do the homeworks that Sir Eng has given to the rest of us by last week but still that's not a reason for me to skip that Mandarin class. plus i'm already got ready to go to KBM. how i hate this feeling of getting ready and at last, i ended up by not going. it's such a waste of time, and consume a lot of energy okay? so i wonder why my stomach doesn't want to cooperate nicely this morning? and uhmm, ehmm, well yes! i think i know what the reason is. it's because i only ate a plate of mee kungfu yesterday and nothing else than that. which means no nasi. so i jump into a conclusion, no nasi i'll get into diarrhoea. well i think this is not my first time. but still it rarely happened to me. so after this, i've to make sure that i'll eat nasi even once in a day. haiyaaa, my stomach is #trulyasiantype and #soooomalaysian!

i love Mandarin!


  1. Replies
    1. nak belajar i boleh tolong jadi cikgu, haha. sungguh perasan disitu, nak sebut pun terkebil-kebil, tapi it was fun, seriously! =D

  2. Mandarin! Mee Kung Fu
    Oriental hehe! <3


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